Homemade hair conditioner with sunflower oil

Hurtful is how unappreciated sunflower oil is in cosmetology. We use it most commonly in cooking and we forget how rich it is in vitamins, EFAs and carotene and that sunflower oil can have also beneficial influence on our organism on the outside. Sunflower oil balances, smooths out and protects. It is great for nourishment of dry, matte and weak hair.

The greatest benefit of sunflower oil is its exceptional composition – 90% EFAs, wax, lecithin, carotene, vitamin E. It absorbs fast and leaves non-greasy layer, because it is a very light vegetable oil, which doesn’t weight down or make hair oily. Sunflower oil can be used in oil treatment, but not only, in this form it will effectively nourish hair by providing softness and gloss. Let us introduce recipe for hot conditioner with sunflower oil. It is recommended for dry and damaged hair, because it nourishes, regenerates and restores.

What will you need to prepare sunflower oil conditioner?

  • not entirely full glass of sunflower oil (good quality cosmetic oil)
  • about 10 drops of sandal wood oil
  • about 10 drops of lavender oil
  • about 10 drops of geranium oil
  • two tea spoons of olive oil
  • full table spoon of raw honey

You can prepare hair conditioner in a small bowl, but it is recommended to mix it in an empty bottle – it can be bottle after mineral water or used shampoo/conditioner. Pour all ingredients into the bottle and mix it together by shaking the bottle. Before each use of conditioner place the bottle in the bowl with hot water and wait few minutes for oil conditioner to heat up.

Sunflower oil conditioner should be applied on hair and rubbed in scalp. Do not apply large amount of oil to avoid weighting hair down and problem in rinsing the product. Protect hair with towel or plastic cap and leave sunflower oil based conditioner on hair for about half an hour. After this time wash your hair with delicate shampoo.